@extends( 'layouts.app' ) @section('title') Allotment Letter of Customer Statement @stop @section('css') @section('content')

Dated:  {{date('d-m-Y')}}

Name: {{$property->customer->name}}

CNIC: {{$property->customer->cnic}}

Address: {{$property->customer->address}} {{$property->customer->city ? ','.$property->customer->city->name.','.$property->customer->city->country->name : ''}}


ALLOTMENT OF {{($property->inventory->unit_type == \App\Inventory::residential) ? 'Residential' : 'Commercial'}} {{$property->inventory->unitCategory->name}}

ALLOTMENT FLOOR : {{$property->inventory->unitFloor? $property->inventory->unitFloor->name : ''}} UNIT NO : {{$property->inventory->unit_number}}

UNIT NATURE : {{($property->inventory->unit_type == \App\Inventory::residential) ? 'Residential' : 'Commercial'}} AREA : {{$property->inventory->unitSize->name}} Sqft

The Management of Paradigm Greens Islamabad is pleased to issue this Final Allotment Letter on the following terms and conditions:

  1. This is in continuation of Provisional Allotment Letter No.{{$property->id}} and the terms and conditions printed overleaf thereof duly accepted and signed by the allottee.
  2. The Unit, Floor number and size are final and will not be changed by the Paradigm Greens Islamabad except on Technical grounds.
  3. This allotment-is-not transferable unless authorized by the Paradigm Greens Islamabad.
  4. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
  5. This allotment is given by Paradigm Greens after receiving 25% down payment of unit.

Malik Arif Hussain
Paradigm Developer
Shakeel Javed
Chief Executive

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